On this page I plan on documenting all the code snippets I use frequently. I’ll use T for generic types, K for generic keys, and V for generic values when necessary. All of this code is written in Java since I think it’s the most user-friendly.
Frequency Map
Map Iteration
In-Order Traversal
Pre-Order Traversal
Post-Order Traversal
Level-Order Traversal
Depth-First Search
This can be done iteratively with a stack instead of recursively.
Breadth-First Search
Level-Order Traversal
Level-order traversals differ from BFS because they keep track of what “step” of the BFS we’re currently on. This can be handy for problems where we want to know the length of the shortest path, like Word Ladder or Rotting Oranges.
Note that matrices are a subset of graphs.
Number of Islands
This is one of my favorite paradigms since it applies to so many different problems.