System Preferences

  • Trackpad: disable force touch, make tracking speed fast, disable natural scrolling
  • Keyboard: key repeat rate fast, delay until repeat short
  • Keyboard > Shortcuts > Screenshots: change the shortcut for “copy picture of selected area to the clipboard” to ⌘\ for ease (it’s a game changer trust me)
  • Displays: disable automatically adjust brightness, disable true tone
  • Desktop > Hot Corners: mission control, notification center, launchpad, put display to sleep
  • Enable screen sharing permissions for Zoom


  • Remove everything from the dock
  • Install VS Code, Sublime Text, Chrome, Spotify, Obsidian, Notion, Zoom
  • Nice to haves: Klack, Vivid, Cron, Tailscale, Texts, Stats, Screen Studio, Rectangle, Warp, Raycast, Cyberduck, Heynote, Ollama, LM Studio


  • Install command line tools: xcode-select --install
  • Don’t show login info: touch .hushlogin
  • Change zsh to bash: chsh -s /bin/bash
  • Get custom dotfiles: git clone
  • Add SSH key for GitHub
  • Disable visual bell